Pink stripe Stretch Headwrap

Pink stripe Stretch Headwrap
The Newest Weekend Creation

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday... and the sun is SHINING!

What an AMAZING day! Thank the Lord for springtime! Today was the first day of sunshine in what feels like an eternity and its hopefully going to hit 80 degrees this weekend! I think the BBQ might be calling my name... after the lawnmower and first yard work of the year get done! Heidi is going to be posting a TON of new, up-cycled, organic, AMAZING stuff tomorrow so be on the lookout! Hope everyone has an amazing night!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fresh Week...

Happy Sunday everybody!! Its been a nice relaxing weekend. I have been laying around like a sack of potatoes all weekend. I've been recouping nicely from my poison oak while Heidi has been buzzing around like crazy. She got a few BIG BOXES of fabric and lace for her newest creations.
We also made the decision to get rid of one of our excess sewing machines and FINALLY buy her a SERGER! She is very excited to say the LEAST!
I'm really looking forward to a new week, one without poison oak or doctors visits! Heidi spent yesterday working on this years family christmas presents (which I will be posting a tutorial soon!)
SO Happy to have our newest friend AKAMATRA on the Hillntree Blog bandwagon! Her shop is AMAZING!
Hope you guys have an amazing week!! Remember to stay out of bushes ESPECIALLY POISON OAK!! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oh.... its almost the weekend!.....

Happy Thursday everybody! It was a beautiful spring day here and my poison oak is finally starting to subside! I am kinda cranky hopped up on prednesone (for the poison oak), while Heidi is CRANKING out some orders hopped up on Dutch Bros Coffee! We have been blessed this week with a couple big orders from Australia, they're headed into winter while we are warming up with Spring!
Check out Heidi's latest: sold and re-listed cute bow headband! Its perfect for spring/summer or ANY day of the year!!
Love you guys!

PS... Anne and Fallon: I have tried responding to your posts but for some reason my computer won't let me!! I'm SO SORRY! I promise I'm not trying to be rude, just a little technically challenged!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

Hello my Wednesday PEEPS! Had to post a quick pic of Heidi's freshly re-listed Pink and White Striped spring/summer Headwrap! I.... am not so cute. I would post some pics of my progress with my battle against the evil poison oak; however I don't want to frighten anyone with weak constitutions or any children who might happen upon our little blog! Hope you all have an amazing night!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

sweet dreams....

Hello friends... Happy Tuesday!! What a day. Heidi had a busy day today, my NEW FAVORITE HEADWRAP!! Its seriously SO CUTE! I took a hike this weekend to harvest some dead manzanita to make some of our famous manzanita buttons. While out and about I took a nasty head dive into some BEAUTIFUL POISEN OAK!! Now I am literally covered head to toe in the most irritable rash in the existence of mankind. ( and just to clarify and emphasize; when I say head to toe, I do mean HEAD TO TOE, including eyes, ears, armpit, belly button and EVERYTHING in between!) Allas, it was a fun adventure. I made it back safe and sound, and I did manage to salvage some beautiful wood to make some new buttons!
Hello to our dear friend and newest follower Fallon at Silly.Beautiful.Life! Love you! Thanks for joining our posse!
And with that said... Goodnight friends! I'm off to a hot date with some Calamine lotion and an antihistamine, so I don't scratch myself to death in my sleep! Love to ALL!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter

Hello everyone! Happy Saturday night before Easter! It has been a busy few weeks for us. Heidi has been blowing up the creativity department cranking our design after design! Her latest and GREATEST! Hope you all have an AMAZING Easter Sunday!